Blog Archives

The film you’ll either love or hate has pushed by 8.7 million 6.5 million views on YouTube. 🙂 Threads of Destiny took 9 years to complete and 100’s of artists around the world contributed to the film as a pure labor of love.

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It is nearly ten years after Voyager’s return from the Delta Quadrant, and the Federation is in a crisis. The Federation’s main suppliers of dilithium crystals are disappearing. Space and time have folded around several planets, effectively isolating them from any contact with outside worlds. And this phenomenon is not natural – someone or something is causing this to happen.

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Two people with a terrible secret that one friend would like to put behind them.

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World On A String is now available on the iPad via apple store and the hard copy book is available at Barnes and Noble
Scored and narrated video presentation of World on a String, a picture book with a uniquely uplifting perspective on loss. Inspired by the happy times he shared with his big red balloon, Charlie imagines that his lost friend is now a very special part of the starry sky. 2013 Moonbeam Award Winner – Silver Medal – Best Illustrator. Written by Larry Phifer. Illustrated by Danny Popovici. Scored by Justin R. Durban. Narrated by Luke Rosenberg.

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Sooo, sometimes in the mornings (and/or afternoons) I sit down and play. I’ll upload these as they roll in. Hope you don’t mind the kids yelling/playing/pestering in the background or the really really really crappy recording with my cell phone’s built in audio microphone. Each track will be at least 1:00 – 2:00 minutes in length. Short and Sweeet!

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